Friday 23 October 2009

Studio Visit "'Studio Lighting and Camera"

Lighting plays a big part in any kind of production, ranging from theatre productions to Hollywood blockbusters. Often used for artistic and dramatic effects. Without the correct lighting your green screen or any scene will look tacky and cheap, and will cost you many hours correcting it in post production.

There are many kinds and type of lights in the Phoenix Studio:

*The "Red Head" is commonly used studio lamp that is placed on top of a lightweight tripod due to its small size compared to some other lamps. All of the "Red Head" lights in the Phoenix Studio have barn door fitted to the front of them to direct light where ever it is needed in the shot/ scene.

Camera's Used In The Phoenix Studio:

The Camera used in the Phoenix Studio is the Panasonic HPX 500 and 200.
These are semi-professional camera that are close to or identical to industry standard camera's.
Recorded footage from these camera's are not stored on tape but stored on multiple Panasonic P2 memory cards that are inserted into the camera, these memory cards are big enough to hold RAW Uncompressed HD footage which, being Uncompressed, are quite substantial in size.